At the October 2011 American Heart Association scientific sessions in Orlando, two very large studies amplified the increased risk of heart attack and stroke caused by deep periodontal pockets and bleeding – as well as pointing out the benefits of having your teeth professionally cleaned to reduce these risks.
In the first study, 7999 patients with periodontal disease in Sweden were evaluated. Those with a higher number of deep pockets had a 53% increased risk of heart attack. Those with the highest incidence of gum bleeding had more than twice the risk of stroke.
In the second study, 102,620 patients in Taiwan were followed for seven years. Those who had their teeth professionally cleaned at least once per year, had a 24% lower risk of heart attack and a 13% reduced risk of stroke compared to those who had their teeth cleaned once or less in two years.
These huge studies by physicians may be the tipping point that we now have irrefutable evidence of the connection between periodontal disease and systemic health. In addition to these studies, we have scientific evidence for 21 different conditions listed below that are affected by periodontal infection and the resulting inflammation involving virtually every organ system in the body.
1. Heart disease
2. Infectious endocIrdl1is
3. Carotid artery stenosis
4. Stroke
5. Diabetes
6. Rheumatoid arthritis
7. Mouth and throat cancer
8. Pancreatic cancer
9. Colon cancer
10. Kidney infection
11. Lung infection/COPD
12. Low fertility in men
13. Erectile dysfunction
14. Brain abscesses
15. Cognitive dysfunction/Alzheimer’s
16. Infectious Mononucleosis
17. Pre-term babies
18. Yeast infections
19. Multiple sclerosis
20. Osteoporosis
21. Congestive heart failure in dogs
How to Have a Jolly Holiday in Fort Lauderdale without a Dental Emergency.