How Do I Help With Tooth Pain?

How Do I Help With Tooth Pain?

If you think you may have a dental emergency it is important to knowwhat to do to ensure your issue is addressed as soon as possible. Ouroffice provides same day or next day appointments to accommodate ourpatients that need immediate treatment.

One of the most common dental emergencies that patients experience istooth pain. There are tips you can try at home if the tooth pain doesnot go away while you wait for an appointment in our office. Pain isa way of our body sending a message that something is wrong.Typically, if patients experience pain this means there is a problemthat must be addressed.

There are many causes for tooth pain such as tooth decay, issues witha filling, tooth fracture, or infection. If you have any of the belowsigns you may have an infection, and you must be seen right away.

• Fever

• Swollen or red gums

• Blood or pus around tooth

• Throbbing pain that does not go away

• Swollen or tender face or jaw

What Can I Do at Home to Relieve Tooth Pain?

There are remedies patients can use at home to help treat tooth painwhile they wait to be seen in our office. These remedies can helpreduce pain and keep you comfortable.

• Take an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen.

• Use a pain relief gel on the area.

• Apply a cold compress covered with a cloth to the area to helpreduce inflammation for 20 minutes each time.

• If you have a hot compress this can also be used on the area tohelp relieve pain.

• Peppermint tea bags can be used on the area and are known to helpease oral pain.

• Clove oil can be used on the area and is known to help reduceinflammation or numb oral pain.

Looking to Make an Appointment to Address Tooth Pain?

If you have tooth pain that does not go away we recommend making anappointment to be seen in our office. Our staff will provide athorough exam to help identify the cause and address your tooth pain.X-rays may be taken to get a closer look at the issue. We willrecommend treatment options, and always address serious issuesimmediately.

Patients can prevent tooth pain by practicing good oral hygienehabits at home. Brushing and flossing each day is important as wellas eating a healthy diet, and avoiding high sugar foods or drinks. Wealso recommend to avoid hard food items that may cause a crack orinjury to your teeth. Regular dental cleanings and exams in ouroffice can help keep your mouth and teeth feeling great.

If you have tooth pain and would like to make an appointment, pleasecallour office and our staff will make sure youare seen as soon as possible!

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